Black Blizzards

by Jochewi

Under the light of noon; Rayco could be seen in the center of the arena raising his hands and wowing the crowd. The corpses of two beasts lay on the ground, already lifeless due to the blows caused by that extraordinary spear that, firmly wielded in the lethal hands of that half-man and half-machine, seemed to be the very weapon of the devil.

With achillobator blood splattered across his chest and a slashed leg he came face to face with the last and greatest of the three beasts; drinkly. You could feel the fury of that huge achillobator for the loss of her companions, but also her fear, seeing how Rayco had finished them off in the blink of an eye, and that he was now approaching her.

The animal bellowed fiercely and assumed a menacing attitude, but that did not stop the Undefeated Android, who continued to advance towards the beast, determined to run it through from side to side with his spear. Then she faltered for a moment, then launched a calculated attack, leaping at Rayco and hooking on his shield with one of her paws to try and wrest it away, only then Rayco landed a withering thrust at her stomach high that finished her off. to combat.

The achillobator screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground, trying to tear the spear out with its jaws, but it had stuck deep into her abdomen and would have pierced flesh, organs, and bone. Rayco moved away from the animal and hesitantly addressed the audience: -Is this all you can do to Maxorata?!- The cyborg yelled, and the crowd went wild. The euphoria among the public was such that some women showed their breasts and complimented the champion, while parents raised their children on their shoulders so that they could see the show better. Beberly kicked and tried to get to his feet, but it was too late for the animal, in a matter of seconds the spear was completely illuminated in a light and intense green, and then the same thing happened in the wound and in the animal’s eyes, who began to gasp and writhe.

Then there was a soft beep, a second beep, and a third, and then a hollow pop sounded from the beast’s guts, flaps of flesh shot from its stomach, and it perished suddenly. There was a silence, while the greenish luminescence that enveloped the spear and that issued from the wound and from the beast’s eyes gradually faded; Rayco looked towards the box where the organizer of the games, his wife and the rest of the Barrios family were sitting, he went decisively to the beast, took the spear out of its belly and raised it over its head. The crowd roared and cheered the Undefeated Android, it was his twenty-ninth consecutive victory, and the audience loved to see his theatrical display.

The organizer of the games got up from his seat and raising his hands made a gesture to silence the masses. He waited patiently and when he knew that he had the attention of the majority of those present; he recited the speech from him.

-This city has resisted the constant attacks of these beasts brought to our islands from the very confines of the planet. This city has endured, just as The Undefeated Android has.

A roar of pride from the masses brought his speech to a halt and he had to silence the voices in order to continue with it.

– Brought here with a purpose. Sow terror in our civilization. And meanwhile, those who bring them to our doors loot us and destroy this beautiful culture. And just as the life of the Undefeated Android has been in danger, our culture and our lives will be in danger if we don’t do something about it.

Rayco has fought and bled for Maxorata on this day. And he has won!-.

More cheering, and as soon as he was able to continue; he did it.

-But they will continue to bring more beasts like these if we don’t tackle the root problem-.

He paused briefly and directed his arm furiously to point at one of the only two entrances to the arena. Then he kept talking, while the huge gate that separated Rayco from his terrible curse opened. This time the organizer of the games raised his voice, so that he could be heard loud and clear.

-Here are the culprits of the evil that the city of Maxorata has suffered! These are the ones responsible for the raids that have caused the loss of many of our loved ones! Now they are in this arena, under our chains, and they have been betrayed by their own people! That they have handed them over to us so that they pay for their crimes before the justice of Maxorata, as an act of good faith and a peace treaty between our peoples.

Out of the huge door came three girls no more than sixteen summers old, unarmed, gaunt, and bruised and scarred. Neither looked up from the ground until the organizer mentioned the beasts again.

-Here are your creatures of war, crushed by the unstoppable hand of our champion. Dead will no longer be a problem for us, but… What should we do with the minds that caused the death of our relatives and friends? -.

One of the girls collapsed after hearing these words, she curled up on the floor and began to cry, but the oldest of them; Arminda, she exploded in anger and rushed at Rayco in an attempt to take the spear from her, but he pushed the girl without using too much force from her and made her fall to the ground abruptly. The girl seemed to have no energy to get up, and who knows how many days the three girls would have spent in the cages, in terrible conditions, until the day of their trial.

-And now the Gods want the culprits to suffer the same fate- said the host. -Rayco, execute them- was his last sentence.

The guy who had killed more than forty people and sixty-three beasts in that same arena, was frozen, staring at the girl, whose soul seemed to be leaving him, lying there on the sand and stripped of her strength, it seemed as if time froze. That killing machine stood there doing nothing for a long time and then the host began to get uneasy at such insolence – Rayco Execute them! Come on-.

Rayco knew the fate that would await him if he did not obey the order. If he was alive it was thanks to his biomechanical body, so his body did not fully belong to him by right, as it usually happens with most cyborgs, you know how the laws are in Maxorata; until a cyborg does not pay off his debt, it is his master’s property, and if a cyborg does not fulfill his obligations to his master; the master has the right to penalize or punish him, or even to terminate the contract and scrap the cyborg.

So Rayco, a being who had done everything he had done for honor and glory, in an unstoppable search for absolute perfection, found himself paralyzed there, with a gash in the leg and another in the spirit, having He had to choose between dying or ending the lives of three defenseless and mistreated creatures, a despicable act and lacking in honor, according to the values his teacher had instilled in him.

The host reproached him again and then Rayco reacted. He first executed the girl at his feet, Arminda; she died quickly and cleanly. As if he was directed by remote control he addressed the other two girls, it seemed that he had abandoned half of him man, you could see it in his movements. The girls were standing next to each other, barely a few feet from the eastern entrance to the arena. The youngest; Fayna, she was trembling with fear and whimpering, and she had been rooted to the spot since she entered the arena, it seemed that the girl had created the idea in her head that if she didn’t move no one would see her . The other girl, the middle one; Shocked, she got on her knees and grabbed two fists of blood-stained sand in her hands while Rayco approached the youngest, when that mass bathed in blood the girl must have predicted the future that awaited her, because she pissed on herself, and when it was pierced by Rayco’s spear, a certain discomfort began to be felt among the public. acrid; the last of the three to die, she closed her eyes and began to mutter, slowly dropping the grains of sand she was holding in her hands. Rayco was the only one who could have heard the words that came out of that savage’s mouth. Perhaps he felt compelled to let her speak, for he was ultimately going to take her life, and under the impatient gaze of her master, Rayco waited until the savage had uttered the last word of her, and then he executed it.

Just at that moment the wind picked up and a blizzard of black, toxic dust rose from the sea and headed for the coast, falling on the city like night, and in a matter of hours infested the fields and the water too, choking everyone. people and animals in its path. The games were suspended and people began to leave the amphitheater en masse in chaos. Many were crushed and trampled to death by the rush of maddened people trying to escape the curse. The city of Maxorata was plunged into darkness, surviving only those who managed to escape in time and those who took refuge in their underground bunkers until the dust cleared. It was the first time that something like that had been seen and it seemed nothing more than the fury of a divine being who was dissatisfied with what had happened there. Rayco had been cursed, either because the android had allowed the savage to utter those words or because he doubted the will of the gods, that was the conclusion reached by those who were there that day, who blamed Rayco for the blizzards. that devastated the island of Maxorata for years to come.

Nobody knows exactly what happened to Rayco after that, some think that he took advantage of the commotion to flee, others believe that he ended up being executed by his master, but one thing is certain; he did not die in that black blizzard, since his respiratory system was completely artificial and this allowed him to take fresh air even when submerged in water.