¡Fortunate New Year!

Hello Warcreatures! Jochewi here one more day with Thursday’s news, late, as always. First of all, wish you a lucky new year. This is a date on which I usually reflect and take a pause to take stock of what I have done in the last year, detect the points in which I should improve and set some resolutions to fulfill before the end of the new year.

2024 is presented as an opportunity to put into practice everything learned during the previous year. Now I am focused on launching Warcreatures: Las Fortunas Stories and that is undoubtedly my main purpose for this year, but not the only one, I want to continue improving the website and launch physical products on the market, such as the Warcreatures figure collection, Warcreatures: The Game RPG and Warcreatures: Arena.

I also have some personal issues that I would like to improve on. Last year I dedicated a huge number of hours to this project, I had a poor diet and I barely spent any time doing physical activities, so I have acquired a certain burden around my navel that I would like to get rid of. This year I’m going to work on it seriously, not just for aesthetic reasons, but because I’ve realized that I’m getting old, so I should start taking care of my health before it’s too late.

I would like to live long enough to see that my work has been completed, and you may have guessed that it is a quite ambitious work, so I hope to live a long time, for that reason I have also decided to leave all my vices. I am aware that a healthy life is not a guarantee of longevity, but at least for the duration of my existence I will give 100% of myself so that Warcreatures becomes a success.

I’m going to do everything in my power to become the most productive person you’ve ever met, that’s my promise for the new year. I know it’s going to be difficult and that I’m going to have a hard time at first, but I’m convinced that this is what I should do.

I am going to start recording a series of videos for the Warcreatures YouTube channel where I will be visiting different places on the islands that have served as inspiration for Las Fortunas. They are going to be personal videos, where I will be sharing some experiences, but I will also share curiosities from the Warcreatures universe, so I hope you don’t miss it. Lastly, I want to highlight that the development of Warcreatures: LFS is going from strength to strength.

I have been working intensely on the script, I have been doing tests to see that everything worked correctly, both on PC and Android, so, although I am terrible with estimates, I would like to be able to say that we will have a presentation video before it ends January, but first you will have to buy a license so that an appropriate song accompanies the illustrations.

Remember that you can write to me and send your feedback on any of my social networks.

Thank you very much for the support Warcreatures.

Mess in the Warcreatures Office

Whoa! What happened Warcreature? First of all, I want to apologize because I said I was going to publish news on the website every Thursday and I have not been complying. I know it’s not an excuse, but sometimes it becomes difficult to find a moment to organize ideas and communicate them eloquently when there are so many things to take care of for the project to move forward.

In other words, I haven’t bothered to write on the website because I was too excited working on other parts of the project, I hope you understand, but in any case I will do my best to meet my goal of making a post every Thursday from From now.

Another reason why I haven’t wanted to speak out too much lately is because I’m always thinking of new ideas and trying to expand the Warcreatures universe as much as possible, so I’ve realized that sometimes I make the mistake of rushing into announcing things and then I realize that everything is going to take much longer than I had imagined.

I can assure you that most of what I have been planning is going to come out at some point, this will be the greatest adventure of my life, I promise you. Perhaps it is too ambitious but it is not something that worries me, since grain by grain a mountain moves.

The most difficult thing so far has been to maintain order and correctly calculate the effort necessary to carry out each idea that I wanted to implement in the project, the second being a reason why I ended up discarding some ideas and postponing others for later, which It might seem like I’m never going to finish anything, but nothing could be further from the truth, I’m always moving forward, I work for hours every day to feed this monster I’ve created.

I’ve been reflecting on all this this month and have come to the conclusion that to avoid confusion I should aim low first and then move forward with more ambitious ideas. So I’m going to take one of my ideas, specifically the last one and conveniently the easiest to do, and I’m going to finish it once and for all.

This new idea is nothing more and nothing less than another video game. For those who are part of the Warcreatures community on Discord it is no surprise, but I have not wanted to reveal too much information yet, so there are still many surprises under the tree. This Thursday I will give you many details about the video game, but for now I will only tell you that it is a visual novel that will be available for PC and Android very, very soon. Right now it is in a fairly advanced stage of development and I just need to finish the funniest part. I can’t believe it! Of course, don’t expect something super cutting edge, it will be quite indie and very short, but if you give it a chance I assure you that you will be surprised, you’ll see.

With this im out. I’ll wait for you next week to give you more news about my first video game, which is finally very close to becoming a reality.

Thank you for your support Warcreature.

What’s Happening at the Warcreatures Office?

Jochewi here from the Warcreatures office to tell you some cool things. This year has been quite intense. I have been dedicating a lot of time to the Warcreatures universe, but there is still a long way to go, although there is no need to worry, since I will continue working hard to present new content so that this universe continues to expand more and more.

2023 has helped me learn a lot, but above all to define the path that Warcreatures is going to follow. You can still expect some surprises, but it is quite certain that comics, stories, video games, board games and figurines will be present in this adventure. And of course the dinosaurs!

I must admit that the website has not received love for a long time, it has been there almost from the beginning, and although at the beginning it served its purpose perfectly, I believe that now it does not represent the true potential of this project, so the time has come to give him a facelift.

You can expect interesting changes to the website soon, so visit it from time to time if you don’t want to miss any news.

I want to announce that soon I will publish new pages of the Sandra & Titan comic. I plan to redraw the pages that I already published, since now I have a little more technique with the graphic tablet and I think I can do it better, and I am also going to start telling the story from a moment earlier than I had originally thought, to so that you can learn in greater detail what Sandra’s life was like before finding Titan. So if you’ve been wanting to know what happens next, sorry, there’s still some time left, but I think it’ll be worth the wait.

I also want to inform you that from now on every Thursday I will be sharing news on the web about progress and other interesting things happening in the Warcreatures office. There are some great things coming up and I’m looking forward to sharing this experience with you.

Thanks for the support Warcreature!